

GRANDER® Water Revitalisation - a talk by Jeremy Jones

Optimising health, reducing the environmental impact of plastic bottles - a talk by senior consultant Jeremy Jones on June 15th 2019

Please join us for a talk about the 'health' of our water today.

How revitalised water optimises our energy levels, increase our capacity to adapt to environmental toxins and the impact of electro magnetic frequencies, whilst addressing plastic pollution


15th June 2019

Arrive 14:45 for 15:00 start ~ 18:00 finish


Location: Micheldever Village, Northbrook Hall

Duke St, Micheldever, Winchester Hants SO21 3 DF


Please find more information in the flyer underneath.

  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "We are only learners in this world."


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